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White House Call-in Days
Wednesday–Thursday, December 18–19
Call President Bush and Ask Him to Increase Funding to Fight AIDS!

We have a historic opportunity to fight AIDS, because President Bush is going to Africa on January 10th, and he is considering a historic AIDS initiative. Without additional funding, 2.5 million people will die from AIDS in Africa next year. Your call to President Bush can make the difference.

Please call the White House at (202) 456-1111 between 9 am and 5 pm on Wednesday or Thursday, December 18 or 19. Please follow the prompts until you get an operator who will take your message. If you are calling from a touch tone phone press 1 and then, when asked, press 1 again to leave a message. The operator will ask for your state and message. (Alternatively, e-mail your message to president@whitehouse.gov or fax to (202) 456-2461.)

The message:

  • I am calling to urge President Bush to offer a historic AIDS, TB, and malaria initiative on his trip to Africa.
  • President Bush has the chance to offer hope to the 2.5 million people who die each year of AIDS in Africa.
  • If the President will commit between $2.5 billion and $3 billion each year, we can save millions of lives.

Other key facts (optional)

  • 6,500 people die each day of AIDS in Africa, and 9,500 each day are newly infected each day.
  • There will be 25 million orphans in Africa by 2010 unless we act now.
  • For only a dollar we can prevent newborn babies from contracting AIDS.
  • TB kills nearly 2 million people each year, and malaria kills nearly one million, most of them children.

Please also call your senators and representative and to encourage them to express support for a historic AIDS initiative. The Capitol Hill switchboard number at (202) 225-3121 can connect you to any senator or representative.

California senators

Dianne Feinstein (202) 224-3841
Barbara Boxer (202) 224-3553

Northern California representatives

Mike Thompson (202) 225-3311
Doug Ose (202) 225-5716
Robert Matsui (202) 225-7163
Lynn Woolsey (202) 225-5161
George Miller (202) 225-2095
Nancy Pelosi (202) 225-4965
Barbara Lee (202) 225-2661
Ellen Tauscher (202) 225-1880
Richard Pombo (202) 225-1947
Tom Lantos (202) 225-3531
Fortney (Pete) Stark (202) 225-5065
Anna Eshoo (202) 225-8104
Michael Honda (202) 225-2631
Zoe Lofgren (202) 225-3072
Sam Farr (202) 225-2861

For other senators, please see the Senate website. For other representatives, please see House Member Information.

Tell a friend about this action, ask them to call President Bush also. Together we can beat AIDS!