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肺結核病發率高灣區當局關注 High TB incidence rates in the Bay Area authorities concerned about the
by 記者蔡明容舊金山24日報導 by Tsai Ming-Yung journalist reported on the 24th in San Francisco
03.25.09 - 02:00 am 03.25.09 - 02:00 am
灣區多個結核防治組織於舊金山卡斯楚區召開世界肺結核日記者會,呼籲民眾提高對肺結核的警覺性。 (記者蔡明容/攝影)
灣區多個結核防治組織於舊金山卡斯楚區召開世界肺結核日記者會,呼籲民眾提高對肺結核的警覺性。 TB prevention and control more than the Bay Area in San Francisco Castro District Organize World TB Day held a press conference, called on people to raise awareness of tuberculosis. (記者蔡明容/攝影) (Tsai Ming-Yung journalist / photographer)
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過去,肺結核(TB)常與貧窮、人口擁擠以及新移民關聯起來,不過,灣區多個肺結核控制部門選在24日世界肺結核日這天召開記者會,表示自2008年開始,他們發現肺結核案例在高中、酒吧、科技公司或企業中都有輕微的上升,因此這些組織共同呼籲政府增加控制結核病的預算,避免結核病疫情再度流行。 The past, tuberculosis (TB) are often associated with poverty, overcrowding and the population associated with new immigrants, however, a number of Bay Area elected department TB control at the World TB Day on the 24th held a press conference that day, said that since the beginning in 2008, they found cases of tuberculosis At high school, bar, technology companies and businesses have increased slightly, these organizations called on the Government to increase the budget for TB control, to avoid re-tuberculosis epidemic. 舊金山市議員達夫蒂在記者會中保證,將在市議會中傳達防治肺結核的重要性。 San Francisco City Council at a press conference in达夫蒂guarantee will be conveyed at the city council the importance of prevention and treatment of tuberculosis.

今年的世界肺結核日主題為「協助消滅肺結核(Partnerships for TB Elimination)」,不過舊金山衛生局肺結核防治組主任河村(L. Masae Kawamura)表示,結核病傳染媒介為空氣,因此傳染性極高。 This year's theme for World Tuberculosis Day "to assist the eradication of tuberculosis (Partnerships for TB Elimination)", but the San Francisco Health Department Kawamura, director of tuberculosis control (L. Masae Kawamura) said that tuberculosis transmission medium for the air, so high infectious. 而由於這並不是在中產階級中常見的疾病,因此民眾及醫護人員的警覺性並不高,也常延誤檢測時機,導致結核桿菌有再度傳播的機會。 And at the middle class because it is not common diseases, so the people and the vigilance of health care workers is not high, and is often the time delay in detection, resulting in the spread of TB has the opportunity again.

以卡斯楚區(Castro)為例,2008年12月就發現五個肺結核病例,因此衛生官員立刻針對病患工作及活動的地點進行調查,約240人接受了肺結核檢測。 Castro District to (Castro) as an example, in December 2008 found five cases of tuberculosis, health officials immediately so the work and activities for the patients carrying out a survey of about 240 people accepted the detection of tuberculosis.

由於卡斯楚區的許多居民為人類免疫缺陷病毒帶原者(HIV+),因此肺結核在這個區域的危險性也跟著升高,一旦結核桿菌進入該區,可能會以極快的速度散播,也會造成較高的死亡率。 Because many residents of the Castro District for the human immunodeficiency virus carriers (HIV +), tuberculosis in the region, therefore the risk has also increased, once the TB into the area may speed the spread, but also will result in higher mortality rates. 這也是多個結核防治組織選在卡斯楚區舉辦記者會的原因,希望能藉由這個記者會,與同性戀社區合作,減少肺結核的案例。 This is also the number of TB prevention and control organizations Castro district to hold election at a press conference the reasons for the hope of using the press conference, with the Gay community to cooperate in reducing cases of tuberculosis.

市議員達夫蒂表示,同性戀族群的結核病情,直到近幾年才逐漸受到重視,未來他也會全力推廣防治肺結核的重要性。达夫蒂City Council said that the TB situation Gay communities until recent years, gradually to be heard, the next he would be fully committed to promoting the importance of prevention and treatment of tuberculosis. 河村強調,肺結核短期內不太可能消失,再加上多發抗藥性結核病(MDR-TB)的影響,若不繼續做好防治工作,結核病可能會反撲,期盼政府繼續投入資金,協助進行結核病防治。 Kawamura stressed that TB is unlikely to disappear a short time, and many on hair drug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) the impact of prevention and treatment do not continue to do a good job, tuberculosis may be back, looking forward to the Government continue to invest in funds, to assist in tuberculosis control .

華裔患者趙壽英在記者會上現身說法,強調肺結核並不可怕,最重要的是接受治療,現在只需要六個月的治療,就能夠將肺結核治癒。 ZHAO Shou-British-Chinese patients with their own experiences at a press conference, stressed that TB is not terrible, the most important treatment are now only six months of treatment required, it will be able to cure tuberculosis. 他呼籲所有華裔要接受肺結核檢測,了解自己的身體狀況。 He called on all Chinese to accept the tuberculosis testing, know their own physical condition.

過去數十年來,舊金山的肺結核案例比率一直是全美擁有地鐵的城市中最高的,以2008年來說,舊金山共發現118個肺結核案例,也就是每10萬人中就有14.6人為肺結核患者,這個比例為加州的兩倍、全美的四倍。 Over the past few decades, San Francisco, the rate of tuberculosis cases has been the nation's metro cities have the most to in 2008, the San Francisco tuberculosis were found in 118 cases, that is, people in every 100,000 people there are 14.6 in patients with tuberculosis, the proportion of California twice, four times the United States.
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